Virginia Images Photography
website features photography of the Chesapeake Bay
All of the art photos are by Tim Rudziensky, a Virginia Beach Art Gallery owner and Photographer.

Rudziensky has been taking photos of the Bay since the mid-1990's when a friend introduced him to helicopter aerial photography. There are some beautiful scenes captured during sailing events, including Harborfest, Op Sail and the Low Rent Regatta, some from helicopter and some where the photographer waded into the Bay with camera in hand to get the perfect composition.
Several photographs depict life on the Bay and include local favorites from Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs to places to eat them like the former Duck In on Shore Drive. The Last Call at The Duck In remains one of his best sellers, four years after the restaurant closed!
Rudziensky says that he is thankful to live on the Chesapeake Bay, as it provides opportunities to capture images that otherwise would be missed. "To me photography is all about being in the right place at the right time, sometimes that is by accident" explained Tim during an interview for the Virginian Pilot. Being in the right place certainly paid off this last summer, as the photographer stood near Lynnhaven Inlet watching a storm pass by, a waterspout formed right in front of him!
The waterspout was just northwest of Lynnhaven Inlet, and moved south towards the Ocean Park shoreline before retreating into the sky. Now that's being in the right place at the right time! Or, was it luck. Having a 100 - 400 mm zoom lens helped capture the image perfectly. One of the photos was picked up by local news stations and newspapers.
Visit the website at to see approximately 600 of Rudziensky photos, or click this link to go directlty to the Chesapeake Bay Gallery
The above photographs are just a sneak preview. Knowing it is difficult to judge photography on a website, you woe it to yourself to visit the Virginia Images Photography Gallery in Virginia Beach. 847 Seahawk Circle, Suite 101, 23452. Phone ahead, as the photographer is sometimes out capturing new photos, especially in the morning and evening hours. Phone 757 425-3110
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