This show will feature several new artists never before seen at Chic's Beach, as well as some of the regulars. For my part, the newest additions to the Vintage Photos will be on display and available for sale. There are thirty nine additional Vintage photographs of old Virginia Beach and Norfolk to show, and several of Williamsburg, Jamestown and Washignton DC. A collection of seashell photographs captured along the Chesapeake Bay will be available, and one of newest photographs, of the March 2011 Super Moon rising over the evening surf along the Virgnia Beach Oceanfront will be available on canvas. Many of my best and most popular photographs, produced on canvas and framed, will be available for sale.
This years artists include:
Dave Hinde - Photography
Dave Hinde - Photography
Pat Dehart - Oil Paintings
Ron Brown - Aerial Photography of Chic's Beach
Paul Emmig - Oil Paintings
Karen Palicio -
Kelly Guswiler - Beach Signs
Mary Kay Holliday
Jim Christopher
Bill Whitlow - Nature Photography
Matt Hadaway - Abstract Oils
and many more - a complete list will be upsated May 16th!
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